IMAGINE A WORLD - Guided Imagery Close your eyes and relax. Let your thoughts paint a picture for you. Imagine you have entered a dark, warm, moist place with soaring trees and umbrellas of leaves above you. Flowers and vines cover the branches and trunks of the trees. A butterfly flutters overhead. You stumble over lumpy roots. You smell flowers. You hear whistles, clicks and chirps of unseen insects. The loud call of a parrot startles you. A beautifully patterned snake tracks its prey along the ground. Look carefully all around you. Many creatures are well camouflaged to stay hidden in the tropics. The air is heavy with moisture. You hear the deafening roar of a heavy rain storm approaching. A lone tapir flees deeper into the vegetation. Gibbons swing down lower in the huge trees seeking shelter from the rain. The storm moves on. The rain stops. Mist drifts among the trees as the sun returns. Raindrops slide off the slippery leaves and drip to the ground far, far below. You feel a sense of wonder after your visit to the tropical forest.